oper_1974 (oper_1974) wrote,

Конец 1960-х и начало 1970-х. США, Англия, Франция, Дания, Турция... ( 77 фото )

Photos of Life in Texas in the 1970s (5)

Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (17)
Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (16)
Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (14)
Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (8)
Everyday Life of California from between the 1950s and '60s (47)

Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (38)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (34)

Photos of Life in Texas in the 1970s (3)
Photos of Life in Texas in the 1970s (12)
Photos of Life in Texas in the 1970s (18)
Photos of Life in Texas in the 1970s (19)
Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (9)
Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (6)
street scenes of France from the 1950s to 1960s (16)
street scenes of France from the 1950s to 1960s (10)
street scenes of France from the 1950s to 1960s (2)
Everyday Life of New York City in the 1960s (32)
Everyday Life of New York City in the 1960s (28)
Everyday Life of New York City in the 1960s (25)
Everyday Life of New York City in the 1960s (22)
Everyday Life of New York City in the 1960s (14)
Everyday Life of New York City in the 1960s (12)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (40)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (37)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (30)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (27)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (25)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (18)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (16)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (4)
Everyday Life of Copenhagen in the 1960s (1)
Everyday Life of California from between the 1950s and '60s (51)
Everyday Life of California from between the 1950s and '60s (34)
Austria in the 1960s (17) (1)
Austria in the 1960s (1)

Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (18)
Street Scenes of San Francisco in the 1960s (13)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (27)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (22)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (16)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (10)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (7)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (5)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (2)
Everyday Life in Europe during the 1960s by Charles W. Cushman (1)

Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (44)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (33)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (30)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (29)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (27)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (19)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (13)
Washington, D.C. in the 1960s (1)

Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (36)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (34)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (31)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (28)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (19)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (18)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (16)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (13)
Color Photos of Afghanistan in The 1960s by Bill Podlich (12)

street scenes of France from the 1950s to 1960s (18)
Austria in the 1960s (26)
Austria in the 1960s (24)


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  • (no subject)

    Навальный же умер? Кого не спрошу от бизнесмена до прокурора — отвечают — Умер Максим, да и хер с ним!

  • (no subject)

    Почему у нас разделение на следствие (МВД-ФСБ-СК) и оперов — криминальную полицию? У нас «разделение труда» — а почему? Потому что мы доверяем…

  • Я удивляюсь этому человекоподобному существу.

    И как мы его не посадили, раньше, когда уже понятно было, что он только человекоподобное существо, а теперь и он в Израиле. Я понимаю - он…

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По мотивам статьи Ростислава Горчакова. "В январе 1940 года рейхсканцлер Адольф Гитлер дал немецкой судебной системе оценку: "Наши суды - медлительные ржавые машины по штамповке возмутительно несправедливых приговоров". И тут же поклялся, что лично займется делом восстановления…
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  • (no subject)

    Навальный же умер? Кого не спрошу от бизнесмена до прокурора — отвечают — Умер Максим, да и хер с ним!

  • (no subject)

    Почему у нас разделение на следствие (МВД-ФСБ-СК) и оперов — криминальную полицию? У нас «разделение труда» — а почему? Потому что мы доверяем…

  • Я удивляюсь этому человекоподобному существу.

    И как мы его не посадили, раньше, когда уже понятно было, что он только человекоподобное существо, а теперь и он в Израиле. Я понимаю - он…